Ayu Balqis Quraini, Elfira Maya Adiba


Indonesia is a potential market for producers because its population is predominantlyMuslim and has the largest Muslim population compared to other countries. Observingthe potential conditions of the halal industry at the global level and in Indonesia, itappears that there is a huge opportunity for the development of the halal industry,because all Muslims in the world certainly need halal products. This includes theconsumption of food, drinks and cosmetics, both imported and local productscirculating among the public, giving rise to controversy over halal and haram elements.There needs to be a role for the community to understand the importance of thehalalness of a product. This can simply be done by looking for information about theproduct before consuming it. This research aims to find out whether the variable halalknowledge, Islamic religiosity, and demographic factors can predicthalal label readingbehavior student students in Bangkalan district on purchasing halal products. The dataanalysis technique used is logistic regression using sampling techniquesnon probabilitysampling with approachpurposive sampling. The results of this study indicate that halalknowledge, Islamic religiosity, and demographic factors cannot predict the halal labelreading behavior of student students in Bangkalan district.Keywords : Halal Knowlegde, Islamic Religiosity, Demographic Factors, Perilaku, LabelHalal

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