Farida Kumalasari, Muhamad Ridwan Afandi, Yulia Hamdaini Putri


The global food industry has seen significant growth in demand for packaged food products, driven by urbanization, lifestyle changes, and the convenience offered by such products. For Muslim consumers, adherence to halal principles in food selection is of paramount importance, as it ensures that the food aligns with Islamic dietary laws. In addition to halal considerations, modern consumers are increasingly health-conscious, seeking nutritional transparency in packaged foods to make informed dietary choices. Combining halal certification with nutritional labeling adds complexity for producers and regulatory bodies, as they strive to meet the dual demands for religious compliance and health awareness. This study aims to systematically review the literature on halal labeling and nutritional content in packaged foods, focusing on industry compliance and consumer awareness levels. Halal labels and nutritional information have become essential components influencing consumer decisions, especially among Muslim communities prioritizing adherence to Sharia law. Using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach, this research compiles and analyzes recent studies to identify trends, challenges, and the impact of halal certification and nutritional information on consumer behavior. The findings are expected to provide insights into the role of halal labeling in strengthening Muslim consumer loyalty and increasing industry transparency in offering quality, Sharia-compliant products. This study also discusses the implications of enhanced nutritional education for increasing consumer awareness of balanced nutrition in packaged food consumption.

Keywords : Halal labelling, nutritional content, awareness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/aciel.v3i1.563


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