Tarmidzi Tarmidzi, Zelta Hamdan Rosmi, Hairus Saleh, Harlan Iswanto Purnomo


Halal products are not only a religious demand, but also one of the important aspects in ensuring consumer safety and health. Wiradesa District, Pekalongan Regency, as one of the regions that has many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), is faced with the challenge of fulfilling this halal certification obligation. MSMEs in this region cover various sectors, including culinary. However, the level of legal awareness among MSME actors about the importance of halal certification is still a question mark. The method used in this study, in the form of a qualitative approach, aims to produce descriptive data, This research uses two types of data sources, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. There are three classifications to explore information, namely, observation, interview, and documentation. The goal is that the data collected is in accordance with reality. The methods in the analysis are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. The goal is that the resulting analysis can be maximized. The results of the study show that: 1) Legal awareness of halal certification among MSME actors is still relatively low. Although there is an understanding of the importance of halal certification, its implementation has not been optimal. Many business actors are not fully aware of or comply with the obligation of halal certification in accordance with existing regulations. The factors of knowledge, understanding, and attitude towards the law still need to be improved to achieve better legal awareness. 2) Legal awareness of halal certification is low due to the following constraints: a) Lack of knowledge related to halal certification obligations and procedures; b) Fees; c) The attitude and perception of business actors believing that their products are halal; and d) Distrust in the Benefits of Halal Certification.


Keywords : Halal Certification, MSME, Legal Awareness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/aciel.v3i1.546


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