Mutmainah Mutmainah, Amir Hamzah, Galuh Mustika Argarini


The emergence of the green economy due to the issue of global warming is caused bythe environmental crisis caused by a shift in pragmatic human lifestyles. This condition requireseverything to be fast and easy with the use of packaged products which results in a lot of usedproduct waste that is not environmentally friendly. Therefore, the concept of going greenemerged, namely the concept of green economy as an environmentally friendly concept that isin accordance with Islamic economic principles to support environmental development (proenvironment) which has an influence on the development of an economic system that is ableto improve the welfare of society.This research is research aimed at analyzing the greeneconomy from an Islamic economic perspective to improve community welfare. This researchis library research (library research), Data analysis techniques using the Milles and Hubermanmodel include: (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing. Results researchBased on the discussion it can be concluded that: concept green economyor green economy islow carbon economic activity, saves resources (resource efficient), and is sociallyinclusive/socially inclusive, where this concept is in accordance with Islamic economicprinciples, namely Islamic Eco-Ethics consisting of several principles basic Islamic ethics suchas al-adl (justice), maslahah (public needs), urf (customs), istishlah (improvement), and i'tidal(harmony), so that the green economy is a form of economic improvement that is in harmonywith nature in achieving the benefit and well-being.Key words: green economy, Islamic economy, community welfare

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