Febry Ayu Puspita, Galuh Widitya Qomaro, Dyah Ayu Ratna Dewi A.A.


This research aims to explore the issue of expiry labeling on processed food productsfrom the perspectives of Islamic Law and Positive Law. The study employs a qualitativeresearch method, specifically the juridical-empirical approach. Data sources include bothsecondary and primary data obtained through observation, interviews, anddocumentation. The findings reveal that the implementation of expiry labeling is stillinadequate, primarily due to the failure of many household businesses to include expirylabels on their product packaging. Consequently, the government has made efforts tosupervise the expiry labeling, as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 58 of 2001,which is enforced by governmental agencies, consumer protection organizations, andthe general public. The supervision of food conducted by the National Agency of Drugand Food Control (BBPOM) encompasses four core monitoring activities: Pre-Market,Post-Market, Empowerment of the community and businesses through communication,information, and education, including providing guidance to businesses to enhance thecompetitiveness of their products, and Law enforcement through the functions ofintelligence security, investigations aimed at eradicating crimes related to drugs and food.From the standpoint of Islamic law, the absence of expiry labeling could be seen as aviolation of the principle of "hifdz an-nafs," which emphasizes the protection of life.Keywords: Supervision, Expiry Labeling, Hifdz an-Nafs.

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