Promotional Strategies Using Online Media to Increase Sales at PT. X Medan Branch

Frengki Harianja, Meilita Tryana Sembiring, Sugih Arto Pujangkoro


Online media current development has created a highly tight competition, particularly for PT. X, Medan Branch. The condition encorages companies to continue developing promotional strategies through online media to increase sales. This research aims to find out the implementation of promotional strategies and determine types of promotional strategy using online media which can increase sales. This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach. Data are collected throught observation, interviews and documentation. The research concludes that PT. X of Medan Branch has carried out promotions, but it has not used online media optimally. The inhibiting factors found are namely the absence of human resources who are specialized in online media promotion. Therefour, the company should determine promotional policies and continue to explore potential resources by focusing on promotional strategies improvement using online media.

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