Counseling and technical guidance for business feasibility study of mandiri sejahtera joint business group (kube) kemlagigede village

Luluk Nur Azizah, Yunni Rusmawati DJ, Diah Ayu Novitasari, Anggun Erni Sulistiowati


KUBE has a very important war in the village economy. In Kemlagigede Village there are 3 Joint Business Groups (KUBE) that have been formed, but all of them are relatively slow growing. This shows that the Joint Business Group in Kemlagigede Village needs to be fostered and developed in order to increase the activity and productivity of the Joint Business Group as a catalyst for driving the village economy, so it is necessary to develop other businesses that are economically profitable. This community service is carried out using an outreach approach with the FGD method and technical guidance for all members of KUBE Mandiri Sejahtera understanding and technical guidance related to the following: 1) Vision and mission as well as strategic plans which will become the basis of reference for managing the Joint Business Group; 2) Mapping the potential, problems and opportunities for developing Joint Business Groups; 3) Understanding of business feasibility studies; Understanding of Marketing Management; Understanding of Financial Management and Accounting; 4) Understanding of the organization and its management.

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