E-Marketing Strategies on Insurance Product Sales Using Soar Analysis

Jean Vitty Matondang, Iskandarini Iskandarini, Meilita Tryana Sembiring


The rapid development of technology affects every aspect of modern society. The development of e-marketing itself began with the rapid growth of internet users and social media. In product marketing, PT X develops various marketing strategies to reach customers, including e-marketing strategies. Although PT X has used communication channels between customers, it has not made a significant impact on profit development. This research is a descriptive-qualitative research that uses interview, observation, and SOAR (Strength, Opportunities, Aspiration, Result) analysis methods. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether there is an unreached customer journey using customer journey mapping and determine an effective e-marketing strategy using SOAR analysis. The results of the customer journey mapping show that the entire customer journey has been covered by PT X and the results of the SOAR analysis show suggestions that can be applied by PT X, such as the SA (Strength and Aspiration) matrix strategy, which is to develop a more attractive content display and develop an effective communication system.

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