The Effect Of Service Quality And Store Atmosphere On Repurchase Interest At New Street Café Sibuhuan City Padang Lawas Regency.

Faza Naufan Julianda Siregar, Dina Sarah Syahreza


This study was conducted to determine whether there is an influence on the effect of service quality and Store Atmosphere on repurchase interest in new street café sibuhuan city padang lawas district. This research uses quantitative, the population in this study amounted to 11,500 customers. The sampling technique used was Purposive Sampling and obtained a sample of 100 respondents who met the predetermined criteria. The data collection technique in the study was carried out with the F test, t test and coefficient of determination, previously the data had been tested using validity test, reliability test and classical assumption test. Data processing using the SPSS for Windows. The results showed that Service Quality and Store Atmosphere have a significant effect on Repurchase Interest. Simultaneously Service quality and Store Atmosphere have a significant effect on Repurchase Interest. The adjusted coefficient of determination (adjusted R2) is 0.600, which means that the variables of Service Quality and Store Atmosphere are able to contribute to the influence of Repurchase Interest by 60.0% while the remaining 40.0% is determined by other variables outside this research model. This shows that there are still other variables that can explain Repurchase Interest. Keywords: Service Quality, Store Atmosphere, Repurchase

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