Development Strategies for Empowering Members of the Muslim Entrepreneur Community in Jambi City Using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) Method

Sigit indrawijaya, Nurida isnaeni, Ridhwan Ridhwan


This research aims to analyze and develop alternative strategies for the IPEMI (Ikatan Pengusaha Muslimah Indonesia), GENPRO (Global Entrepreneur Professional), TDA (Tangan Di Atas), and UNK (Umkm Naik Kelas) communities, which are entrepreneur-oriented communities in the city of Jambi, to enhance the empowerment of their members. The research is of a quantitative descriptive nature, employing the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method. Three strategy formulation stages are utilized: data collection, data matching, and decision-making. It is expected that the results of this research will serve as a basis for policy improvement in empowering community members. The research results indicate that out of 82 respondents, with 4 respondents determining the priority policies to be adopted, 8 selected strategies were obtained. The top priority strategy is to conduct training or business classes with expert speakers specializing in solving SME issues, with a TAS score of 6.661

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