Service Quality Strategy On Tourist Satisfaction : The Case of Gili Iyang

Andriansyah Andriansyah, Buhairi Buhairi


Gili Iyang is an island that accommodates a variety of potential natural tourist destinations, including the Oxygen Point with the world's best oxygen levels after Jordan. However, the available tourism facilities are not optimal, which has a negative impact on the level of tourist satisfaction. Therefore, strategy for improving the tourism service quality from tourism products or services need to be improved. The aim of this research is to find out what facilities tourists expect for their satisfaction and then to create a strategy for developing the quality of tourism service by improving tourism facilities that are less than optimal for more developed. The research methods are quantitative and qualitative case study with the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method as a tool for measuring tourist satisfaction, and SOAR Analysis as a formulation strategy development. The results in this research are based on the level of conformity between performance and expectations reaching 80% (satisfied category), but several facilities are inadequate and considered important by tourists, among them are Oxygen Point tourist attraction, toilets at tourist attractions, souvenirs, and tourism land transportation. The results of the SOAR analysis are alternative tourism service strategies obtained from the SOAR matrix

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