The Importance Of Insurance Contracts In Business Practices And Legal Protection For The Parties Involved

Eriska Febriani, Irva Nur Diana, Noviana Dwi Puspitarini, Mohammad Reza Adiyanto


Insurance contracts are an important element of business practice that is often overlooked or taken for granted. This article discusses the significance of insurance contracts in a business context and how they provide legal protection for the companies and individuals involved. With risks present in every corner of business, insurance contracts are a tool that not only protects company assets, but also safeguards the well-being of the individuals who work within it. This article investigates the role of insurance contracts in business risk management, explaining the importance of compliance with relevant regulations.The research method used in this article is that the author uses data collection methods through library research or library research.With an emphasis on the importance of better understanding insurance contracts, this article helps readers to avoid common mistakes and omissions that can result in financial and legal losses.

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