Waqf Forestry Integration Model with Islamic Boarding School in Optimizing the OPOP (One Pesantren One Product) Program

Ridan Muhtadi, Firman Ardiansyah, Sakinah Sakinah, Fitriyana Agustin


This study aims to provide an integrated model for the use of waqf forestry in supporting the OPOP (One Pesantren One Product) program as a pesantren-based community empowerment. Waqf forestry as forest land waqf-based that can be managed by pesantren to develop superiority products. The method in this research is conceptual research using secondary data with descriptive analysis approach. SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) are used to identify the factors in Islamic boarding schools that has a strong influence on waqf-based forest management. This study reviews the existing model of the role of pesantren in managing waqf forestry as an alternative to a new formula that is expected to be a solution to optimize the OPOP program. The results showed that comparative advantages possessed by pesantren are divided into aspects of leader, solidarity, crowd management, large number and expected benefits resources, so that pesantren can integrate waqf forestry into productive land that can be managed in optimizing the OPOP program. In addition, the use of waqf forestry also has an ecological impact that is specifically able to reduce damage forest. This research is expected to encourage other researchers to further analyze the potential of pesantren in managing waqf forestry as an alternative in the success of the OPOP program

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/aciel.v1i2.88


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