The Young Family’s Consumption of Halal-Labeled Food Product in Sampang
Young families are often considered less considerate of the risks in consuming food products without halal label due to several factors. First; young couples who have not received a decent income, causing them to consider cheaper product than quality that guarantees halalness. Second; the lack of emotional and mental maturity in the majority of young couples, causes a lack of consideration of the risks in consuming food products without halal label. This study seeks to explain the understanding of young families towards halal product guarantees and analyze the problematic aspects of young families' interest in consuming food products without halal labels. Thisis a descriptive qualitative research. This data collection method is by interview, observation, and documentation.
Most of the informants (young family) in Sampang understand specifically about the importance of consuming halal-labeled food products, in particular, are daily foods and beverages or staples that will be consumed together in the family. For several reasons, they still consume the food products without halal label. Young families cannot force themselves to consume halal-labeled food products because it is financially and emotionally difficult. This may hard them for the family's economic resilience can be disrupted due to these factors. Informants feel that it is easier for them to consume food products without halal label, which are still seem to be halal according to sharia even though they are not labeled halal yetFull Text:
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