Strategy-System-Human Capital-Culture-Leadership Islamic for Increase Logistic Business performance
The concept of a combination of strategy (strategy), system (system), human (human resources), leadership (leadership) and corporate culture (corporate culture) has been practiced at PT Tiki Jalur NugrahaEkakurir Medan Main Branch since 2016 and based on data it has proven effective to achieve financial targets, customers, internal business processes and human resource learning growth.
This study aims to explain the effect of implementing strategies, systems, human capital management, corporate culture and religious leadership (separately) on the performance of the company PT Tiki Jalur NugrahaEkakurir Medan Main Branch.
This research is a quantitative study to examine the effect of 5 independent variables: strategy, system, human capital management, corporate culture, and religious leadership. The dependent variable is the company's performance. Data analysis was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using the SmartPLS version 3 software.
The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Religious strategy variables which consist of indicators of vision, mission, targets (balance scorecard), swot analysis, risk assessment, problem solving, work programs (marketing mix-marketing sky), evaluation system is positive but not significant effect on the performance of the company PT Tiki JNE Medan Main Branch. 2. Religious system variables which consist of organizational structure indicators, job descriptions, employee work plans, service level agreements, standard operating procedures have a significant positive effect on the performance of the company PT Tiki JNE Medan Main Branch. 3. Religious human capital management variables which consist of indicators of benefit compensation system, reward (appraisal system), punishment (company rules), work environment (K3 system), competency standards, carrier path system have a positive but not significant effect on company performance PT Tiki JNE Medan Main Branch. 4. The religious leadership variable which consists of indicators of integrity leader (siiddiq), credibility leader (amanah), reliability leader (fathonah), visionary leader (tabligh) is a positive but not significant effect on the performance of the company PT Tiki JNE Medan Main Branch. 5. The religious corporate culture variable which consists of indicators of the company's basic values (value), meaning of work is a significant positive effect on the performance of the company PT Tiki JNE Medan Main Branch. The performance of the company PT Tiki JNE Medan Main Branch in question is to meet the maqashid sharia principles, namely the financial perspective (al mal), the customer perspective (al nafs), the internal business perspective (al nafs) and the growth learning perspective (al aql, al din, al nasl)Full Text:
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