Entrepreneurship Learning by Experiential Learning in Motivating Student Courage to Start an Enterprise

Qaiyim Asy’ari, Risca Dwiaryanti, Aang Kunaifi


Entrepreneurship is the key to the progress and prosperity of a nation. Apart from being a driver of economic activity and the distribution of wealth, entrepreneurship is also an indicator to measure the progress of a country. Developed countries on average have a composition of 15-20% entrepreneurs of the entire population. In fact, Indonesia still has around 4% of entrepreneurs. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy is needed to create new entrepreneurs, one of which is by intensifying entrepreneurship learning in schools and universities. This paper aims to formulate and describe effective entrepreneurship learning through experiential learning methods.Through qualitative research methods with an case study approach, the research is compiled into a paper presented at an international conference on Islamic economy and law. Data were collected through primary sources, from interviews with students before and after implementing the experiential learning formula for one semester at a private university. From these findings, concepts and methods for implementing experiential learning in entrepreneurship learning are compiled. The results of this study indicate that to move students to dare to enter the world of entrepreneurship, strong motivation and applicable training are needed. Motivation and training directly in the field turned out to be able to raise the courage of students in greater numbers to engage  in entrepreneurship. With the results of this study, it is hoped that entrepreneurship learning in schools and universities in particular will become more systematic and effective.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/aciel.v1i1.64


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