Mery Atika, Yan Ariyani, Mohammad Yusrial Firdaus, Yulia Ulfa R, Almanif Fatihah Rachman


MSME actors, especially women, are the sector that contributes the most to economic growth in Indonesia. In addition, women MSME actors in Bangkalan is known as Bumi Sholawat, are seen as having quite high grit or tenacity with relatively low innovation in facing very tight market competition. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between competitive attitudes, grit, and innovative work behavior in women MSME actors in Bangkalan. The research method used is quantitative, involving 255 women MSME actors using a simple random sampling probability sampling technique. This study uses three research instruments, namely the Competitiveness Scale consisting of 18 items with a reliability of 0.839, the Grit-S Scale consisting of 8 items with a reliability of 0.671, and the Innovative Work Behavior Scale consisting of 10 items with a reliability of 0.855. The results of the study showed an R value of 0.428. The sig. value. F.Change obtained 0.000 which shows that 0.000 <0.05 which means that the competitive attitude and grit variables have a correlation with the innovative work behavior variable. The significance test is used to determine the F count, the F.Change and F.count values are obtained > F.table, namely 28.250 > 3.031. The results show that the hypothesis is accepted, and there is a relationship between the competitive attitude and grit variables that have a correlation with the innovative work behavior variable.


Keywords : Innovative Work Behavior, Competitiveness, Grit, SME

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