Nurul Izzah, Rini Hayati Lubis, Annida Karima Sovia


The increasing demand for halal food encourages the need to increase the potential of halal food SMEs in the global halal industry competition. This paper aims to reduce research articles related to halal food SMEs. The data used are articles from the Scopus database for 2014-2023. Data were analyzed using bibliometrics with the VOSviewer application displayed in graphical form. The results of the study show that in the last 10 years, researchers have received positive attention to the study of halal food SMEs. Based on the co-authorship criteria, three groups of writers were obtained. While the co-occurrence criteria used 69 keywords, nine clusters were obtained. The nine clusters are halal food, halal food industry, SMEs, food, logistics, halal, business, performance and halal food certification.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/aciel.v2i1.136


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