Pengaruh Direct Marketing, Personal Selling Dan Service Quality Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kripik Singkong UD. “DUA SAUDARA” Kecamatan Manding Kabupaten Sumenep

Tsaniyah Shafirah Afifah, Very Andrianingsih


The background of this research is the effect of direct marketing, personal selling and service quality on purchasing decisions for cassava chips “UD. Two Brothers” Manding District, Sumenep Regency. The problems that will be discussed in this study are the influence of direct marketing, personal selling and service quality on purchasing decisions for cassava chips “UD. Two Brothers” Manding District. The purpose of the problems in this study is to find out how much influence Direct Marketing, Personal Selling and Service Quality have on purchasing decisions for Cassava Chips “UD. Two Brothers” Manding District, Sumenep Regency partially and simultaneously. This research was conducted at "UD. Two Brothers” Manding District, Sumenep Regency. In answering these problems, the type of research used is the quantitative method with 40 respondents taken. It is known that the analysis used the accidental sampling method by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is data quality test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that Direct Marketing, Personal Selling and Service Quality have a simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions for “UD. Two Brothers” Manding District, Sumenep Regency. Based on the results of the t-test, it is stated that partially the Direct Marketing, Personal Selling and Service Quality variables have a significant effect on the purchasing decision of “UD. Two Brothers” Manding District, Sumenep Regency.

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