Analysis of original revenue optimization efforts (Study at Bangkalan Regency)

Liring Prasetyawati, Rita Yuliana


The purpose of this study is, to determine the strategy used by Bapenda Bangkalan District as an effort to optimize local revenue. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach that is, research that try to describe the object of research according to fact in field. By processing the data obtained from the informant as a source of data, make observations, interviews and literature study, which further analyzes the data using SWOT analysis. From the results of this study indicate, in the effort of optimizing PAD in Bangkalan District, as the manager of Bapenda's regional revenue has done the steps in the form of socialization and application of local regulations related to local taxes and levies, improve the quality of human resources, cooperate with other agencies and private parties.

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