Operational Risk Analysis in Construction Projects (Case Study in PT ABC)

Dedy Ghozim Herdiyanto, Chaerul D Djakman


Construction projects are risky due to big contract value, work complexity and many parties involved. PT ABC has problems in working on a construction project which leads to a dispute and increases in construction costs. In another construction project, PT ABC was unable to complete a project due to soil conditions. The purpose of this study is to assess an operational risk on the implementation of construction projects and make mitigation of key risks. This research uses a qualitative case study method. This study divided the operational risks of construction projects into seven categories. The results of the study found that the top ten risks that have the biggest risk significance index consist of four related contractors, three related consultants and one related owner, project related and external related. Mitigation that can be carried out by PT ABC is choosing projects that are in accordance with company competencies and find experienced partners in implementing construction projects.

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