The Influence Of Religious Values, Organizational Culture, And The Philosophy Of Khalifatullah Fill Ard On Fraud Mitigation

Jamilatul Uyun, Rita Yuliana, Alexander Anggono


This study aims to determine empirically the influence of religiosity value, organizational culture and philosophy of khalifatullah fill ard on fraud mitigation. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. The samples of the study is 100 samples with a sample selection technique using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using survey and questionnaire methods while the analysis of research data used is software SPSS 21.0 version. The results showed that the value of religiosity and organizational culture had a positive effect on fraud migration, but the philosophy of khalifatullah fill ard had no effect on fraud mitigation. The implication of the next research is to add construct indicators to the KFA variable and the object of research used is general higher education.

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