Following The Role of The Government's Internal Supervision Personnel in The Supervision Environment

Bambang Hermanto, Bambang Haryadi, Siti Musyarofah


The purpose is to study to explore the phenomenon of synergistic supervision problem by the government's interstate Inspectorate (APIP) in Inspectorate of District X. This study uses a case study approach that occurs on the phenomenon of a task, principal, and function of government internal oversight auditor (APIP) who has available positions “JFA (Jabatan Fungsional Auditor) and JFPP (Jabatan Fungsional Pengawas Pemerintahan)”. The resulting research shows that APIP collaboration with JFA and JFPP overlaps each other in performing their duties, principal, and function (Keppres 87 Tahun 1999). Behind the overlapping primary responsibilities and tasks between APIP who have different functional positions, conflicts of interest include 1) to increase the accumulation of credit numbers; 2) to shorten the time of promotion, and 3) to obtain a fee for an inspection conducted.

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