Uncovering Fraud Patterns of Unscrupulous Insurance Agents

Faisol Faisol, Tarjo Tarjo


The aim of this study is to reveal the fraud patterns of unscrupulous insurance agents. This research uses a case study approach to illustrate different patterns of fraud by insurance agents by interviewing multiple informants who understand the world of insurance. The findings of this study conclude that there are several patterns of fraud committed by unscrupulous insurance agents, such as when unscrupulous insurance agents advertise company products to prospective customers who do not follow company procedures. Unscrupulous insurance agents often work with doctors to manipulate potential customers suffering from illnesses to keep them enrolled with the company. Moreover, in a deceased customer's claim, the heir's family still has to pay to pay the customer's claim, even though it is simply a trap by insurance agents to make a substantial profit from the fraud. The purpose of fraud by unscrupulous insurance agents is promotion of positions in the company

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