Attitudes Towards Accountant Professions: The Perception of Accounting Students in Aceh Province

Nita Erika Ariani, Fauziah Aida Fitri, Lilis Maryasih


The aim of this research to examine and investigate more specifically about the perceptions of undergraduate accounting students in choosing a profession as a professional accountant This research used a quantitative research method with multinomial logistic regression analysis, which is the right method to observe student’s perceptions in choosing a career as a professional accountant. The population in this study were all accounting students at the final level who were at the Faculty of Business Economics (FEB) Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh, FEB Malikussaleh University Lhokseumawe, FEB Teuku Umar University Meulaboh and FEB Samudra Langsa University, because at this stage the majority of students may make decisions in choosing the right career for them after they graduate. The results of this study indicated that the accountant as a career variable has a significant effect on the attitudes of accounting students in Aceh province towards choosing accounting professions

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