Industrial relations in Pekalongan City Central Java

Mahirun Mahirun, Arih Jannati, Anggrainy Putri Ayuningrum, Titi Rahayu Prasetiani


This study aims to determine the general overview of industrial relations in Pekalongan and the implementation of industrial relations in Pekalongan. This research is a quantitative descriptive study, with the object of companies that have implemented Mandatory Reporting of Company Manpower in Pekalongan. the number of samples is 100 respondents, the data analysis using secondary data to find out the problems of industrial relations in Pekalongan, and to find out the implementation of industrial relations in Pekalongan, an analysis of the results of the questionnaire is used, with the steps of data reduction data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. the results of the questionnaire to workers, employers, and government representatives found that there are regulations that serve as a reference for employment in Pekalongan ,the existence of trade unions, employers organizations, company regulations, bipartite cooperation institutions, and tripartite cooperation institutions. Our main findings are that there are still regulations in the field of labor that are not yet known by workers and employers, and that there is still a lack of information on labor regulations in Pekalongan.

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