Strategic Planning System in Company “XXX”: a Balanced Scorecard Framework in The QCX00 Department

J. Isabel Zefanya Pawira, Vinsensius Widdy Tri Prasetyo


Every company has the desire to continue to develop and make the company a wealth multiplier institution. Companies that are able to become wealth-creating institutions need a strategic planning system to translate the company's vision into its implementation. In general, companies only have a main focus on financial flow and management. Therefore, companies need to have and produce products and services that are able to win customer choice, win customer choice, have the ability to manage products to produce superior products through the performance of competent employees. The Balanced Scorecard is a method that can measure strategic goals from a financial and non-financial perspective. This research is a proposed framework for implementing the balanced scorecard in preparing a company's strategic planning system in developing strategy maps. The object of this research is the company "XXX" in the QCX00 department. Through the balanced scorecard strategic planning system, every employee of the "XXX" company is able to realize the company's strategic targets from a financial and non-financial perspective. Employees are expected to have targets at work so they can help achieve company goals through strategic targets that are comprehensive, coherent, balanced and measurable

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