Analysis of Customer Value, Promotion, and Customer Experience on the Decision to Purchase Perdana XL Card at PGRI Kediri Nusantara University Student

Dhea Pratiwi, Poniran Yudho Leksono


This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of customer value, promotions and customer experience on the decision to purchase an XL starter card among students of the Nusantara PGRI Kediri University management study program who use an XL starter card with a total sample of 97 respondents who have used an XL starter card. distributed and filled out questionnaires. This research uses a purposive sampling technique to determine the respondents and uses the Lemeshow formula to determine the sample because the size of the population in this study is unknown. Questionnaires were distributed to PGRI Nusantara Kediri University students who were familiar with all XL services and products and had used XL starter cards for more than one to two months. Next, data analysis uses validation tests, reliability tests, simple linear regression tests, and t tests. The research results show that customer value, promotions and customer experience have a significant influence on the decision to purchase XL starter cards.

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