Quality Decline Detection and Economic Analysis of Cabe Jamu during Storage

Dita Arviana, Adi Kurnia, Cahyo Indarto, Wahyu Prihanta


Cabe jamu (Piper Retrofractum Vahl.) is a plant used as an ingredient in the manufacture of Indonesian herbal medicine. Cabe jamu is a potential commodity. Madura Island, especially Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep districts, is one of the central producers of cabe jamu in East Java. The aspect that needs to be considered in export activities is the quality of the cabe jamu. Good quality is influenced by proper post-harvest handling such as drying and storage. The purpose of this study is to detect quality decline and analyze the economic aspects of cabe jamu. Cabe jamu storage uses 3 different temperatures, namely 30°C, 37.5°C, and 45°C with 5 observations (day 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40). The parameters in this test are water content, pH, and color. The results showed that an increase in water content caused the pH amount to increase. The color test resulted in an a value of 7, an L value of 18.5, and a b value of 24.5. The color test produces a positive value, so cabe jamu has a yellowish red and bright color. Cabe jamu usually experiences price fluctuations caused by physical damage. Generally, the price of cabe jamu is estimated at 80,000 - 100,000. Physical damage results in a price reduction of up to 50% or around 40-50 thousand/kg. A decrease in the quality and price of cabe jamu can lead to a rejection of market share and affect the economy.

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