Utilization of Saga Leaves to Support Traditional Medicine

Nerisa Dian Ariani, Khoirul Hidayat, Darimiyya Hidayati


The Abrus precatorius is widely grown and cultivated on the island of Madura, especially in the Sumenep district. The leaves of the Saga plant have bioactive content that is antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant. Besides that, flavonoids and steroids are the most abundant content of saga leaves, which can be used to cure diseases such as tonsillitis and throat and canker sores. Canker sores (Recurrent aphthous Stomatitis) are small sores in the oral cavity, tongue, or cheeks, characterized by a stinging or burning sensation. This research aims to find out the best tea bag formulation. This research method uses a completely randomized design with 2 treatments. This research shows that a particle size of 40 mesh and a brewing time of 5 minutes produce teabags with a greenish-white color and less sediment. A particle size of 60 mesh and a brewing time of 5 minutes produce tea with a green color and more sediment. A particle size of 80 mesh and a brewing time of 10 minutes makes for the best formulation. This formulation produces a deep green color and more sediment

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