The Urgency of Implementing OHS to Minimise Workplace Accident Risks and Enhance Employee Performance

Alifia Rahmadurin, Dhiyan Septa Wihara


This study aims to analyse the effect of the implementation

of the work environment, social security and occupational safety and health (K3) programs on employee performance. This research method uses a quantitative approach with survey techniques. The instrument in this study was a questionnaire and the data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. This research was conducted at PT Sukses Mitra Sejahtera, a company engaged in manufacturing in the province of East Java with 3 branches namely kediri, Malang and Surabaya. The research sample was 50 employees who worked in the production department at PT. Sukses Mitra Sejahtera. Samples were taken with simple random sampling technique. The research instrument is a questionnaire. The data will be analysed by classical assumption test, data normality test, multicorrelation test and heteroscedasticity test with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) software version 23. The results showed that the work environment and the application of K3 or OHS (occupational safety and health) had a significant effect on employee performance. While social security has no significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, it is important for every company to implement OHS to minimise work risks and in the long run can improve employee performance.

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