Human Resource Management Functions of Recruitment and Selection System to Competitive Advantage

Yusrianingsih Nuryani, Ahmad Zayroni, Ayyub Santoso


Human resource management (HRM) plays a strategic role in driving organizational skill development and influencing employee performance. According to research, good human resource management has a positive impact on employee productivity, especially in the areas of recruitment, selection, training and development. In addition, a good HR strategy will increase productivity and impact business performance. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study or literature review. The aim is to compare hypotheses with existing theories in the scientific literature Competent and well-trained workers make a significant contribution and having effective recruitment and selection methods helps companies maintain their competitive advantage. This research investigates the relationship between human resource management, recruitment, selection, training, competence and competitive advantage in the current corporate climate. The re-maceration method was used to create the ethanol extract from butterfly pea flowers, and a fixed-dose method was used for the acute toxicity testing. The research results showed that the butterfly pea flower extract with a dose of 2000mg/kgBW did not exhibit any symptoms of acute toxicity. The LD50 value for a dose of 2000mg/kgBW was classified as moderately toxic, and there was a significant impact on bilirubin levels with a significance value (2-tailed) of <0.05, which is 0.003, whereas SGOT and SGPT levels did not show a significant impact with values >0.05, which are 0.759 for SGOT and 0.324 for SGPT.

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