The Influence Of Own Capital And Business Volume On Residual Business Results In Padang City Savings And Loan Cooperatives: Case Study 2018-2022

Putri Maya Sari, Renil Septiano


This study seeks to establish the correlation between equity and business volume on the residual operating proceeds (SHU) in savings and loan cooperatives (KSP) within the city of Padang during the 2018-2022 period. Fluctuations in SHU among these cooperatives have piqued the interest of academics, prompting an exploration of the factors that influence SHU in savings and loan cooperatives located in Padang.The study encompasses eight cooperatives registered with the Department of Cooperatives and UMKM in Padang during the specified period, representing the entire population of such cooperatives. Data was collected from financial reports of these cooperatives and analyzed using EViews software. The research findings reveal that equity and business volume have a statistically significant impact on SHU throughout the study period. These results provide valuable insights for decision-makers in enhancing the financial performance of cooperatives, optimizing capital utilization, and developing effective and sustainable business growth strategies. Further research is warranted to investigate additional variables that may affect SHU in savings and loan cooperatives and to advance our understanding of SHU dynamics within the city of Padang

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