The Role of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Family Environment in Encouraging the Formation of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy of Prospective Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs

Sri Palupi Prabandari, Ida Yulianti, Irma Kurniasari


This research aims to explore the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge, family environment, in forming entrepreneurial self-efficacy in prospective young entrepreneurs in Indonesia. In the context of globalization and rapid economic development, entrepreneurship has become an important pillar in a country's economic development. However, efforts to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among the younger generation require a deeper understanding of the factors that influence entrepreneurial self-formation, especially in the Indonesian environment which is rich in culture and family traditions. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide a better view of entrepreneurial knowledge and the family environment in the context of entrepreneurial self- formation in Indonesia's young generation. The future research agenda resulting from this research can help the government, educational institutions and related parties in developing educational programs and policies that support entrepreneurship development in Indonesia based on strong scientific evidence

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