Don't stop me now: ageing farmers and its impact on rice farming productivity

Budiyoko Budiyoko, Malinda Aptika Rachmah, Exwan Andriyan Verrysaputro, Fitriana Fitriana, Whisnu Febry Afrianto


This study delves into the intricate relationship between farmer age and its influence on rice farming productivity, conducted in Sumpiuh District, Banyumas Regency. While conventional policies often associate higher productivity with younger farmers, the findings from this research challenge this assumption. According to field findings, older farmers demonstrate a higher average level of rice farming productivity. This counterintuitive phenomenon can be attributed to their extensive experience, deep knowledge of traditional practices, and unwavering commitment to rice farming. Hence, a balanced approach is required to leverage the strengths of different age groups, enhancing productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. Simultaneously, it is equally essential to prepare the younger generation to ensure the continuity of rice production, acknowledging the dynamic nature of agriculture, where a fusion of traditional wisdom and the innovation of the younger generation has the potential to cultivate a resilient and prosperous farming sector

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