The Role of Supply Chain in Measuring the Performance of Sari Kelapa Gresik SMEs

Dwi Nopvita Anggraeni, Khoirul Hidayat, Darimiyya Hidayati


Pudak is a traditional Gresik food. Pudak is also a souvenir for tourists visiting Gresik City. This has made Pudak SMEs continue to develop to this day. Sari Kelapa is one of the well-known pudak-producing SMEs in Gresik Regency. Sari Kelapa is known to have a delicious taste and affordable price, so it is popular with many people. In producing peak, Sari Kelapa experienced problems, including delays in sending raw materials from suppliers and low peak production. Therefore, to overcome this problem, it is important to measure supply chain performance. The method used to measure pudak performance is SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference). The advantages of the SCOR method are that it can measure performance from upstream to downstream and integrate business process reengineering, benchmarking, and best practice analysis. However, this method has a weakness, namely that it is easier to measure performance if you have data for calculations. The research results show that performance measurement at Sari Kelapa SMEs is important in improving the company's supply chain performance.

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