Risk Mitigation Analysis in the Supply Chain of Halal Poduk MSMEs Using the HOR (House of Risk) Method at UD. Al-Manshurien

Nunik Sri Wahyuni, Isdiana Suprapti


UD. Al-Manshurien is one of the halal product MSMEs in Bangkalan and is engaged in the traditional herbal drink processing industry. This business unit processes raw materials into finished or semi-finished materials until they reach the hands of consumers who are closely related to the supply chain. In supply chain activities, it is very possible for risks to occur and the impact of these activities can cause negative consequences or large losses if left unchecked. It is necessary to identify and mitigate risks using the House of Risk model. This study aims to identify risks affecting the supply chain and risk management strategies for halal products at UD. Al-Manshurien. The methods used are supply chain mapping and House of Risk (HOR) analysis. The results of the study using HOR analysis contained three dominant risk agents, namely (A1) warehousing mismanagement, (A18) less safety packing of product delivery, and (A10) No recording of raw material stocks. Risk management strategies that become alternatives with consideration of effectiveness in its application are making records related to warehousing stock and product stock (PA1), conducting regular monitoring to check warehousing inventory and product inventory (PA2), and making raw material stock recording (PA3).

UD. Al-Manshurien is one of the halal product MSMEs in Bangkalan and is engaged in the traditional herbal drink processing industry. This business unit processes raw materials into finished or semi-finished materials until they reach the hands of consumers who are closely related to the supply chain. In supply chain activities, it is very possible for risks to occur and the impact of these activities can cause negative consequences or large losses if left unchecked. It is necessary to identify and mitigate risks using the House of Risk model. This study aims to identify risks affecting the supply chain and risk management strategies for halal products at UD. Al-Manshurien. The methods used are supply chain mapping and House of Risk (HOR) analysis. The results of the study using HOR analysis contained three dominant risk agents, namely (A1) warehousing mismanagement, (A18) less safety packing of product delivery, and (A10) No recording of raw material stocks. Risk management strategies that become alternatives with consideration of effectiveness in its application are making records related to warehousing stock and product stock (PA1), conducting regular monitoring to check warehousing inventory and product inventory (PA2), and making raw material stock recording (PA3).

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