OPD Non-Cash Payment Adoption Model in Bengkulu Government

Ahmad Bintang Sugraha, Sriwidharmanely Sriwidharmanely


This study aims to ascertain how managerial productivity, organizational support, and management productivity impact the Bengkulu provincial government's adoption of OPD non-cash payment. Methods of quantitative description were used in this study. All research samples were given questionnaires, which were used to collect the data for this study. The study's population was the 35 regional apparatus organizations (OPD) in Bengkulu Province. The sample comprised all 35 treasurers in the OPD Bengkulu province. Using the SPSS 26 program, the data was examined using the following methods: normality testing, t-test, F test, determination coefficient testing, validity and reliability testing, and data quality analysis. The findings demonstrated that organizational support did not significantly impact the Bengkulu provincial government's implementation of OPD non-cash payments. Meanwhile, managerial productivity and strategic decision-making instruments significantly influence the Bengkulu provincial government's implementation of OPD non-cash payments. Since there were only 35 participants in this study, expanding the reach of a larger research sample was advised.

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