Literature Review: The Role Of Intellectual Property Rights Improving The Competitiveness Of MSMEs In Indonesia

Tessalonika Anggraini, Yulis Alfia, Syela Wakhidatun Nur Azizah, Mochamad Reza Adiyanto


This research discusses the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) in increasing the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. Through a literature study, this research identifies the types of IPR that can be owned by MSMEs, explains how legal protection of IPR can strengthen the position of MSMEs in the market, and analyzes the challenges and opportunities faced by MSMEs in using IPR. Research findings show that good understanding and use of IPR can provide legal certainty, prevent claims by other parties, and increase global market access for MSMEs. However, challenges such as lack of understanding and high registration claim need to be addressed. Suggestions werw made to increase awareness, simplify the registration process, strengthen law enforcement institutions, and profit better financial assistance and access to MSMEs.

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