The impact of product quality, risk perception, perceive of usefulness on electric motorcycles purchase intention in Surabaya

Reza Rahmadi, Susi Susesti Adianti, - Kristiningsih, Adrianto Trimarjono


The increasing of population growth has an impact on increasing demand for the use of motorized vehicles in Indonesia. This situation also endangers the environment where pollution due to vehicles fueled by petroleum or often found as gasoline is increasing. This has encouraged many companies to innovate as a form of solution to environmental pollution, one of which is the innovation of electric motorbikes. With an electric power source as the main driver, electric motorbikes are a new opportunity in the vehicle industry, especially in Indonesia, where people still rarely find regular users of electric vehicles. However, there are still many doubts among consumers before trying new products such as electric motorbikes in Indonesia.

The aim of this study was knowing the influence of product quality, risk perception, and perceive of usefulness on electric motorbikes purchase intension in Surabaya. Study carried out on consumers motorbike users in Surabaya who know the existence of an electric motor . The data collection method will be carried out through a purposive sampling technique and analyzed using the multiple linear regression method. The research results found that product quality, risk perception, and perceive of usefulness had a positive and significant influence on electric motorbikes purchase intention in Surabaya.

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