Sustainability of ‘Batik Madura’ MSMEs with e-Commerce. Should You?

Nurita Andriani, Yustina Chrismardani


Recently, Information technology becomes an important strategy to applied in companies. However, MSMEs have different necessities than large scale. Covid-19 pandemic Covid-19 also requires Batik Madura MSMEs to innovate in sales strategy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of desires ‘Batik Madura’ MSMEs using digital marketing on their sales. The Object of this study is MSMEs who have production on ‘Batik Madura’ textile on Madura island. The sample of this study is 200 respondents with multiple linear regression as an analysis tool. The result shows that the factors of desires digital marketing on ‘Batik Madura’ MSMEs are: an understanding of digital marketing; readiness of human resources to face digital economic; and education are significant. While the factors that are not significant are: sales income monthly and readiness of MSMEs to face the digital economy

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